■ 総務大臣賞:伊藤 泰彦 (元・理事長)
Dr. Ito has long been involved in lTU-R activities and has made a remarkable contribution in promoting Japan’s lTU-R activities as well as by boosting Japan’s presencein the ITU. From 1993 to 2003,he served as Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of ITU-R Study Group 4 and contributed to coordinating wide-ranging issues relating to satellite technologies and operations in various countries. In 2011,he was elected a member of the RRB (Radio Regulations Board) — whose role is,among others,to consider and approve Rules of Procedur(RoPs) and also to consider cases of harmful interference at explicit request of Administrations. He served for two terms (eight years) and demonstrated his ability to solve complicated problems. His contribution was highly appreciated by all and,as a result,he was elected RA-03 Chairman as well as RRB Chairman during the WRC-15,and,all in all,is playing a pivotal role in the works of the ITU-R.
■ 功績賞:大沢 潤一
カンボジア固メコン地域通信基幹ネットワーク整備計画のODAプロジェクト(CP-P5)に伝送担当コンサルタントとして参加。2010年から2018年10月のプロジェクト完遂までコンサルティング業務を遂行。カンボジア国におけるIP通信網の拡充により、最先端のICT環境の提供(SDGs 9)に貢献している。
Mr. Osawa joined the Cambodian Greater Mekong Telecommunication Project (CP-P5),an ODA project,as a transmission technology consultant,and continued his work from 2010 until its completion in October 2018,thereby contributing to the provision of the most advanced ICT connectivity (SDGs: Goal 9) in Cambodia by enhancing its IP communication networks
■奨励賞:近藤 宏国
カンボジア国メコン地域通信基幹ネットワーク整備計画のODAプロジェクト(CP-P5) に電力および局舎担当コンサルタントとして参加。2016年から2018年10月のプロジェクト完遂までコンサルティング業務を遂行。カンボジア国におけるIP通信網の拡充により、ICT環境の提供(SDGs 9)に継続して貢献する事が期待される。
Mr. Kondo joined the Cambodian Greater Mekong Telecommunication Project(CP-P5),an ODA project,as a power and office building consultant, and continued his work from 2016 until its completion in October 2018. He is expected to continue his contributions by providing ICT connectivity (SDGs: Goal 9) in Cambodia by enhancing its IP communication networks.