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  • KDDI Foundation Former Staff Member Receive Japan ITU Association Award from Japan ITU Association

KDDI Foundation Former Staff Member Receive Japan ITU Association Award from Japan ITU Association

On May 17, 2024, Mr. Masazumi Inoue*, a KDDI Foundation former staff member, received the “ITU Association of Japan Award for outstanding Achievement” at the “World Telecommunication and Information Society Day” celebration.
The “ITU Association of Japan Award” is given to individuals who have made outstanding achievements in the field of international standardization and cooperation.

Mr. Inoue has planned and implemented APT overseas technical training programs, carried out projects to bridge the digital divide in developing countries, built schools and provided extracurricular education (PC/English and emotional education(such as art)) in Cambodia and Myanmar, developed audiovisual digital teaching materials in Nepal and introduced them to special needs schools, and has been involved in ICT environment development in developing countries for 10 years.

*Mr. Inoue retired on March 31, 2024

▲Mr. Yamakawa, President of The ITU Association of Japan and Mr. Inoue

▲The award winners line up (Mr. Inoue in the center)
at the Keio Plaza Hotel

Japan ITU Association Award  *Link to the website of Japan ITU Association