Charity Concert Classic

“Charity Concert Classic 2024” was held

On March 6, 2024, the KDDI Foundation held the “Charity Concert Classic 2024” (hereinafter referred to as the “Concert”) at Kioi Hall (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo).
This year marked the 20th anniversary of the Concert, which started in 2005. All proceeds from the concert and donations collected at the venue will be used to support various educational and cultural activities, such as computer classes, music, arts and other forms of emotional education, and the transmission of traditional culture, so that children in developing countries such as Nepal and Cambodia can receive an equal chance of education.

More than 600 people attended the concert, which was filled with the beautiful sounds of conductor Shinpei Sasaki, pianist Akito Tani, and the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra.
In the lobby of the venue, to introduce KDDI Foundation’s educational and cultural support activities in developing countries, there were various displays to see, such as paintings by children and graduates of the “Small Art School” in Cambodia, and big puppets made of cowhide used in “Sbaek Thom” a fantastical large-scaled shadow play of Cambodian traditional performing art.
After the concert, conductor Shinpei Sasaki and pianist Akito Tani appeared in the lobby to call for donations from the many guests who supported the KDDI Foundation’s activities. All 227,527 yen donated at the event will be used to support education and culture in developing countries. We would like to thank everyone who attended the event and donated.

The KDDI Foundation will continue to contribute to the sustainable development of the international community and the achievement of the SDGs through charity concerts and other public interest projects.

▲(From left) Conductor Shinpei Sasaki and pianist Akito Tani

▲In the lobby of the venue, paintings by children and teachers(graduates) of a small art school were displayed for many people to see.

▲Big puppets used in “Sbaek Thom,” a large-scaled shadow puppet show, a traditional Cambodian performing art